Digital Squeak

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Pippa Hamilton

Pippa is Digital Squeak’s Founder. In her hunt to balance her passion for digital marketing and her responsibilities as a single mom, she decided that the best solution was to start an agency that not only delivered exceptional service to clients, but provided the team with the freedom they needed to live their lives to the fullest.

Google Ads Library to Spy on Competitors

How to Use the Google Ads Library to Spy on Competitors

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for success. This is especially true when it comes to Search Engine Marketing. Keeping an eye on your competitors’ strategies can provide valuable insights and help you refine your own approach.   One powerful tool for unravelling the mysteries of your

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how to choose ad placements

How To Choose Your Ad Placements

Social media is an integral part of our daily lives, influencing how we connect, communicate, and consume information. For businesses, leveraging social media platforms for advertising is a strategic imperative. However, the success of social media advertising lies not only in creating compelling content but also in choosing the right ad placements.   In this

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SEO Dictionary

The SEO Dictionary

In our blog, How To Measure the Success of Your SEO Efforts, we looked at the various aspects of an SEO Audit Report, to help readers understand what those reports are telling you (and created an SEO dictionary to help you out).  In this blog, we are giving you definitions of all the terms you

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measure seo efforts

How To Measure the Success of Your SEO Efforts

There’s no doubt that Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is critical for any business looking to drive traffic to their website.  However, unless an individual has experience with SEO, they find the terminology in SEO website audit reports confusing.  This confusion results in clients either just “trusting” that whatever their Digital Marketing Agency or SEO Specialist

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digital marketing seo security relationship

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Website Security, Digital Marketing, and SEO

In today’s digital age, the success of any business is closely tied to its website’s performance, security, and visibility on search engines.  One critical aspect often overlooked is website security, which plays a pivotal role in not only safeguarding sensitive data but also in enhancing Digital Marketing Strategies and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) efforts.  In

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when is tiktok advertising effective

When is TikTok Advertising Effective

There’s no doubt that TikTok has changed social media and the rise of TikTok advertising is undeniable, but is it a worthy platform for digital media marketing, and when TikTok Advertising effective? TikTok has rapidly become the second largest social media platform in South Africa, of South Africans (older than 15 years and active on

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when is x advertising effective

When is X (Twitter) Advertising Effective

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing and advertising, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to capture the attention of their target audience.  Among the myriad advertising platforms, X Advertising (previously Twitter Advertising, and still referred to as Twitter Advertising by many) can be a powerful tool that can yield remarkable results when executed strategically.  

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mentors in digital marketing

The Invaluable Role of Mentors in Digital Marketing

The digital marketing landscape is a dynamic ecosystem where strategies, platforms, and consumer behaviour undergo constant evolution. Navigating this ever-changing terrain requires more than just theoretical knowledge; it demands practical insights and guidance from those who have successfully traversed the path. As such, the role of mentors in digital marketing shouldn’t be overlooked. In this

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linkedin advertising effective

When is LinkedIn Advertising Effective

LinkedIn Advertising has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses looking to connect with professionals, decision-makers, and potential clients. While it’s not one of the big 3 social media platforms, it shouldn’t be ignored. With its vast user base of over 11.6 million users in South Africa, LinkedIn provides a unique platform for targeted advertising

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social media clock

Unlocking the Social Media Clock: Finding the Best Time to Post

In the bustling realm of social media, timing is everything.  Whether you’re a seasoned content creator, a business owner, or just an individual looking to maximise your online presence, understanding the nuances of posting times can significantly impact your reach and engagement.   Let’s delve into the world of algorithms, user behaviour, and strategies to

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Google Analytics 4

Assessing Google Analytics 4: Challenges, Benefits, and Alternatives

Google Analytics has long been a cornerstone of digital marketing and web analytics, providing insights into website and app performance, user behaviour, and conversion tracking. Google Analytics 4 (GA4), introduced by Google in late 2020, is the successor to Universal Analytics and is touted as the future of data analytics.  It’s designed to be more versatile,

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Pixel-Based Tracking vs Conversion API

META’s Pixel-Based Tracking vs Conversion API: Understanding the Key Differences

In the world of digital advertising and marketing, tracking user interactions and conversions is essential for optimising campaigns and measuring success.  META, which includes platforms like Facebook and Instagram, provides two primary methods for tracking user interactions: pixel-based tracking and the Conversion API.  These two methods serve similar purposes but differ in several significant ways.

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linkedin newsletters

Maximise Your Social Media Strategy with LinkedIn Newsletters

In today’s digital age, social media has become an essential tool for brand marketing and audience education.  With platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X dominating the social media marketing landscape, it’s easy to overlook the potential of LinkedIn and LinkedIn newsletters.   However, LinkedIn offers a unique opportunity to connect with professionals and showcase your

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black friday sales

When Are Black Friday Sales Right for Your Brand

Black Friday, the frenzied shopping extravaganza that follows Thanksgiving in the USA, has become a global phenomenon.  While it’s traditionally associated with in-store deals, the online realm has seized the opportunity to capitalise on the shopping craze.  For brands, deciding whether to participate in Black Friday sales requires careful consideration.  In this blog post, we’ll

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choose advertising agency

How to Choose Your Advertising Agency

In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, having a robust marketing strategy is essential for any company to succeed. While some businesses opt to handle their marketing efforts in-house, many turn to a advertising agency to benefit from their expertise, experience, and resources.   Selecting the right marketing agency can be a game-changer for your

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sms marketing

When is SMS Marketing Effective

In a digital age dominated by email, social media, and applications, SMS Marketing remains a powerful and effective tool for businesses in South Africa. When used strategically, SMS Marketing can help you reach your target audience, increase engagement, and drive conversions. In this blog, we’ll explore the scenarios and strategies that make SMS Marketing effective

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how to implement linked in insights tag in google tag manager

How To Implement LinkedIn Insights Tag Using Google Tag Manager

LinkedIn Insights Tag allows you to track user interactions with your LinkedIn ads and gather valuable data about the performance of your advertising campaigns.  Implementing this tag through Google Tag Manager simplifies the process and gives you greater control over your tracking setup.  In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of

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bing advertising

Should We Invest in Bing Advertising?

When it comes to digital advertising, Google often takes the spotlight. However, savvy marketers are discovering that there’s an untapped goldmine waiting to be explored in South Africa – Bing Advertising. Bing, a search engine owned by Microsoft, may not have the same global dominance as Google, but it offers a range of unique advantages,

Should We Invest in Bing Advertising? Read More »

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